We reduce the price of on-line training by 25%!

We reduce prices for all on-line courses by 25% by the end of June 2020. High substantive level of training and practical approach – no change!

In the near future on-line formula will take place:

Statistica kurs podstawowy, 11-12 May
Praktyczne zastosowania technik regresyjnych w Statistica, 11-12 May
Metody wizualizacji danych, 13 May
Analiza danych i sztuczna inteligencja w Przemyśle 4.0, 13-14 May
Statystyka w farmacji – porównywanie profili uwalniania, 15 May
Statystyka w medycynie – metaanaliza, 18-19 May

We invite you to see the training plan, which we will update on a regular basis. The discount will be calculated from the initial training price shown in the price list. The discount cannot be combined with other promotions and discounts. If you have questions, please contact us.